The Austrian Technology Corporation
The AUSTRIAN TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION (ATC) is an umbrella organisation of Austrian technology companies from a wide variety of sectors, which have joined forces to create a common platform. ATC brings important Austrian technology firms together, export financing banks and operators. ATC acts as a coordination centre for business relationships in Austria and abroad, thereby allowing international customers to access know-how developed by industry and operators in Austria. It is in this capacity that ATC is also appointed as a project coordinator in the context of bilateral technology cooperations concerning the topics of this event.
For further information or ways to cooperate please contact:
Mr. Tino Terraneo
ATC Austrian Technology Corporation GmbH
Renngasse 14 / 38
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 / 1 / 535 29 92-0
Fax: +43 / 1 / 535 29 92-99